Explore Sibling Services
At the MSSN, we are dedicated to helping you find the support you need.
The MSSN regularly offers educational workshops and community-building experiences for siblings of people with disabilities, their families, service providers and other professionals.
Educational Presentations
By focusing exclusively on the needs of siblings of people with disabilities, we provide information on sibling issues across the lifespan. Presentations are for siblings, parents, families, and service providers.
The Sharing Space for Adult Siblings
We provide a forum for a participant-directed, virtual sharing space on Zoom for adult siblings to share resources and offer support. Receive invites to the monthly Sharing Space and join in as often as you’d like!
In collaboration with Boston University and Jewish Family and Children Services of Greater Boston, SibConnect is a great way to form lasting relationships with sibling mentors.
Upcoming MSSN & Sibling-Related Events & Conferences
January Sharing Space: Wednesday the 25th at 7pm. Register here.
Partner Organizations that Support Siblings of People with Disabilities
The MSSN works collaboratively with other local and national organizations that provide supports to siblings and their families. Each organization’s website will provide the most up-to-date information about specific offerings.