Interested in joining the MSSN Board of Directors?

Dear Friend of the MSSN,

The Massachusetts Sibling Support Network (MSSN) is excited to announce openings on our Board of Directors. We are a 501c(3) nonprofit organization and are currently seeking prospective board members with expertise in marketing/communications, fundraising/development, psychiatry/medicine, and sibling services.

According to the Disability Policy Consortium, people with disabilities constitute 20% of the population in Massachusetts; many have siblings in need of support. The MSSN is committed to educating these siblings about their roles in the family and as caregivers, creating welcoming communities for siblings that support them throughout the lifespan, and improving access to – as well as expanding the range of – sibling services. The MSSN includes adult siblings, parents of young siblings, mental health professionals and sibling service providers, along with others who are interested in sibling issues within Massachusetts.

We strive to create a participative, diverse and dedicated Board of Directors at the MSSN. Individuals who feel compelled by our mission to support siblings, who bring a unique skill set, and have the time and energy to help us work toward achieving our goals are especially welcome. Board members serve a two-year term and may be re-elected. We keep ourselves accountable by participating in quarterly board meetings accompanied by monthly phone meetings. We request an annual $100 donation from board members, which helps us to reach our financial goals.

The application process is simple. Prospective board members should submit a one-page personal statement and CV or resume to me. If you are interested in learning more about MSSN Board membership, please email us. If you have a colleague or friend who might be interested, please forward a link to this page.

This is a wonderful opportunity for talented individuals to give back to the community and work toward creating a better world for us all.

Best wishes,

Mary Valachovic

Director of Community & Strategic Partnerships